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Pinky & Perky sing sad songs for the Lebanon Pinky & Perky sing sad songs for the Lebanon is offline
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Posts: 5
Default Any good Jewish delis in south Orange County (calif.)?

> wrote in message news:snSwg.6316$yN3.3682@trnddc04...
> On 23-Jul-2006, Margaret Suran > wrote:
>> Pinky & Perky sing sad songs for the Lebanon wrote:
>> > "cathy" > wrote in message

>> >>
>> >>Here's the website:
>> >>Their menu is on the website, that should give you a good idea if it's
>> >>what you're looking for.<<
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Jerry obvious takes a relaxed approach to dietary laws, what with his
>> > ham
>> > salads!...........only a barbarian would eat Ham!!
>> >
>> >

>> I do not see anywhere that Jerry's claims to be Jewish or Kosher.
>> Just famous.

> The bigot to whom you reply, who pretends to be a Xian,<

Ahhhhhhhh! that abbreviation of the Name, again!

It's sad to see you abandoning your religious heritage, just to try and
please the descendants of bloodthirsty savages who murdered their Messiah.

They hate him so much that they cannot bear even to write His holy name - so
consumed are they by blind rage.

Don't try to be like them, Sue - you know in your heart that they despise
you for being a 'convert' , so don't pander to the bigoted hate-filled
liars, rather stand up and tell them that they will be destroyed, and that
the pitiful remnant that remain alive will be only too glad to acknowledge
their Messiah, from the very depths of their irradiated hearts!