The answer is rather simple.
Tuocha generally means the little bowl shape compressed tea from Xia Guan
Although both are 'TUO', they mean different things as Alex pointed out.
Xia Guan Horseback Tuocha means "Tea that is carried on horseback" - this
can be any tea in any shapes and sizes, it so happened that Xia Guan
probably decided to have a little wordplay on the word "tuo" on their Ma Bei
Tuo Cha products, so as not to repeat the same tone teice.
Hope this clears up some confusion
"Space Cowboy" > wrote in message
> Warning. I'm wearing my pimp hat askew. I recently received a
> shipment of Xiaguan 5x100g 'horseback tuocha' from Gordon at Dragon Tea
> House on Ebay. It has scenes printed on the unique cylindrical
> cardboard drawstring wrapper of horses with backpacks,courtyard stacked
> with tuos,mysterious pyramid symbol. I resolved the horseback and tea
> characters stamped all over the packaging. Try as I might I could not
> determine what should have been the tuo character commonly used.
> Gordon sent me the tuo character which means carry on back or piggyback
> which isn't on Zhongwen or in my printed dictionary but on Unihan.
> Damn confusing PinYin. These are the characters for horseback tuo:
> Jim