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Terry Pulliam Burd[_1_] Terry Pulliam Burd[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 718
Default Any good Jewish delis in south Orange County (calif.)?

On 22 Jul 2006 21:39:45 -0700,
rummaged among random neurons and opined:

> Are there any decent ones around Irvine, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach,
>where one can get beef tongue, chopped liver, other good stuff?

Nope - I've lived here for 5 years and have assiduously researched
this very subject. Outside of Jerry's in Costa Mesa and Kosher Bite in
Laguna Hills, neither of which appeal, you're outta luck. This here
part of SoCal is strictly white bread, Republican country.

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd...the sole Dem in the county with a
hankerin' fer hot slab pastrami on Russian rye, gone

"Most vigitaryans I iver see looked enough like their food to be
classed as cannybals."

Finley Peter Dunne (1900)

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