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Mordechai Housman[_1_] Mordechai Housman[_1_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 400
Default Any good Jewish delis in south Orange County (calif.)?

> wrote in message
> On 23-Jul-2006, Margaret Suran >
> wrote:
>> Pinky & Perky sing sad songs for the Lebanon wrote:
>> > "cathy" > wrote in message

>> >>
>> >>Here's the website:
>> >>Their menu is on the website, that should give you a good idea if
>> >>it's
>> >>what you're looking for.<<
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Jerry obvious takes a relaxed approach to dietary laws, what with
>> > his
>> > ham
>> > salads!...........only a barbarian would eat Ham!!
>> >
>> >

>> I do not see anywhere that Jerry's claims to be Jewish or Kosher.
>> Just famous.

> The bigot to whom you reply, who pretends to be a Xian, and
> thus not actually interested in kashrus, is not interested in
> facts like that. Especially if it gets in the way of his hysterical
> hate-mongering.

Forgive my butting in. Another element that I noticed is that the
original poster asked for a Jewish deli. While, I, as an Orthodox Jew,
will consider only KOSHER food to be Jewish, I am aware that sadly, many
Jewish people don't share that view. So I wasn't quite sure what was
being requested, nor, for that matter, what sort of answers were being
given. I'm not a member of SCJ, but I am a member of RFC, and as such I
would say that there is no reason I can think of that too many RFCers
would be likely to even think of that aspect. If asked about a Jewish
deli, it is logical that many on RFC would not consider the kashrus
factor, and there is no reason to expect them to think in terms of
kosher and non-kosher.