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Mordechai Housman[_1_] Mordechai Housman[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 400
Default Any good Jewish delis in south Orange County (calif.)?

"Pinky & Perky sing sad songs for the Lebanon"
> wrote in message
> > wrote in message
> news:snSwg.6316$yN3.3682@trnddc04...
>> On 23-Jul-2006, Margaret Suran >
>> wrote:
>>> Pinky & Perky sing sad songs for the Lebanon wrote:
>>> > "cathy" > wrote in message

>>> >>
>>> >>Here's the website:
>>> >>Their menu is on the website, that should give you a good idea if
>>> >>it's
>>> >>what you're looking for.<<
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Jerry obvious takes a relaxed approach to dietary laws, what with
>>> > his
>>> > ham
>>> > salads!...........only a barbarian would eat Ham!!
>>> >
>>> >
>>> I do not see anywhere that Jerry's claims to be Jewish or Kosher.
>>> Just famous.

>> The bigot to whom you reply, who pretends to be a Xian,<

> Ahhhhhhhh! that abbreviation of the Name, again!
> It's sad to see you abandoning your religious heritage, just to try
> and please the descendants of bloodthirsty savages who murdered their
> Messiah.
> They hate him so much that they cannot bear even to write His holy
> name - so consumed are they by blind rage.
> Don't try to be like them, Sue - you know in your heart that they
> despise you for being a 'convert' , so don't pander to the bigoted
> hate-filled liars, rather stand up and tell them that they will be
> destroyed, and that the pitiful remnant that remain alive will be only
> too glad to acknowledge their Messiah, from the very depths of their
> irradiated hearts!

Is this guy for real?