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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Posts: 4,949
Default Any good Jewish delis in south Orange County (calif.)?

On Tue, 25 Jul 2006 05:22:50 +0000 (UTC),
(Steve Pope) wrote:

>Christine Dabney > wrote:
>>Christine, who has to come back to CA next week to report for jury
>>duty on August 7.

>How does that work? Is that federal court perchance? With
>municipal or superior court, if you live out of state (or even
>out of the county) you don't have to serve.

Right at the moment, I still am a resident of California: officially
traveling away from home on business. I haven't changed all my
residency stuff to NM yet...and I have my reasons for this. I won't do
that for another month or so. So I have to go to the court...

It is superior court. I was told by the court, that I had to show up
and talk to the judge, to get excused.

Christine, hoping to get excused.