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Mordechai Housman[_1_] Mordechai Housman[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 400
Default Any good Jewish delis in south Orange County (calif.)?

"Pinky & Perky sing sad songs for the Lebanon"
> wrote in message

> Good - since you're here, perhaps you'd give an Orthodox opinion on
> conversion to Judaism?

I'm not sure where you mean by "here." Do you RFC, or SCJ? Due to
cross-posting, the netiquette of which I've never been too certain, some
of my posts are also showing up at SCJ, where I imagine many people have
already stated opinions about such Jewish matters. And RFC I don't think
it's really the place for such a discussion.

> Simply put, if a non-Jew embraces Judaism and practices all the
> tenets of that faith, does that make him or her 'Jewish'?

Simply answered: Absolutely yes! To be on the safe side, let me
add: And it is a great sin to say otherwise. This is assuming that the
person has done everything the way it is supposed to be done, which I am
assuming because you said "practices all the tenets of that faith."
That's one of the tenets.

We can discuss this further via private e-mail, if you'd like. I'd
prefer not to annoy Usenet posters (or whatever the correct appellation
is -- I hope I have not offended anyone).