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Alfred Packer Alfred Packer is offline
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Default Any good Jewish delis in south Orange County (calif.)?

Clarify yourself woman. Is a Jew-hater some one who hates Jews or a
Jew that hates? Your use of this language is like that of an Israeli
in his or her 6th year of school. In other words you don't have enough
sense to acquire a paying job on Eretz Israel scrubbing toilets.

> On 25-Jul-2006, "Mordechai Housman" > wrote:
> > X-Received-Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:44:26 EDT (
> >
> > "Pinky & Perky sing sad songs for the Lebanon"
> > > wrote in message
> > ...
> >
> > > Good - since you're here, perhaps you'd give an Orthodox opinion on
> > > conversion to Judaism?

> >
> > I'm not sure where you mean by "here." Do you RFC, or SCJ? Due to
> > cross-posting, the netiquette of which I've never been too certain, some
> > of my posts are also showing up at SCJ, where I imagine many people have
> > already stated opinions about such Jewish matters. And RFC I don't think
> > it's really the place for such a discussion.

> He is trying to bait me, because he keeps pretending that I'm not Jewish.
> I will e-mail you the specifics, if you like -they are quite amuding.
> >
> > > Simply put, if a non-Jew embraces Judaism and practices all the
> > > tenets of that faith, does that make him or her 'Jewish'?

> >
> > Simply answered: Absolutely yes!

> He has been told this every time he's tried to deny it.
> > To be on the safe side, let me
> > add: And it is a great sin to say otherwise. This is assuming that the
> > person has done everything the way it is supposed to be done, which I am
> > assuming because you said "practices all the tenets of that faith."
> > That's one of the tenets.
> >
> > We can discuss this further via private e-mail, if you'd like.

> Consideirng that he is a known Jew-hater, under many guises, I would not
> advise this.
> Susan
> > I'd
> > prefer not to annoy Usenet posters (or whatever the correct appellation
> > is -- I hope I have not offended anyone).