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[email protected] is offline
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Default Any good Jewish delis in south Orange County (calif.)?

Steve Pope wrote:
> >And I have gone over and over this with the superior court clerk. The
> >only way I can get of this service is to talk with the judge.

> Right.
> It is my guess that when you tell the judge you are not maintaining a
> residence in the area you've been called to serve in, and would
> therefore have to pay for a hotel or similar in order to serve,
> they will excuse you.
> Unless it's Alameda County, in which case you're SOL.
> Steve

I * do*maintain a residence there... How many times do I have to tell
you all that I am still a resident there? I do everything...I maintain
a residence there (a cabin in Idyllwild), I vote there, my car is
registered there, my banking address is there, my mailing address is
there..etc. I have not changed anything to NM at this point, and I
won't for another few months.
When I travel as a travel RN, I am classified as traveling away from
home. I don't "move" from place to place, I travel away from home.
That is why I am eligible for the perks of being a traveler..with tax
free housing. It's all part of the IRS code...

Yes, I am starting to rent a house in NM. But my permanent residence,
until September at least, and maybe til October is still in California.
