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Don Klipstein Don Klipstein is offline
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Posts: 20
Default "Pie and chips"???!! Those *** Brits!!!

In art. >, Ubiquitous wrote:
>>Ubiquitous wrote:

>>> >Here's a news flash Geoff, rich kidswho aren't completely retarded go
>>> >to Ivy League schools if they want to unless they have felony records
>>> >(and perhaps even then.) Bush had the added benefit of being a legacy.
>>> Bush did better than AlGore, who, if memory serves, dropped out.
>>> >I personally don't think he is stupid, just intellectually lazy and
>>> >willfully ignorant.
>>> Sounds like you have a serious case of "wealth envy" to me.

>>I notice you did not dispute the veracity of my statement. Like many
>>conservatives, you have responded with a nonsequitor and a personal
>>attack rather than an argument.

>It's so precious when leftists accuse people of the very thing they
>practice as standard operating procedure.

It sounds to me like standard operating procedure of extremists of both
ends of the political spectrum!

What I see now is need for truth, accuracy, fairness, honesty and
integrity. What is now in the Oval Office I see to be someone serving
his favored end of the political spectrum over the 5 values that I just
mentioned, plus vindictiveness against whistleblowers, to an extent
favoring political expediency over national security as exemplified by
the Valorie Plame incident.

A pox on his house, and 90% of a pox on the house of an opponent who
thinks 10% better is "good enough"!

>It is simply breathtaking to watch the glee and abandon with which
>the liberal media and the Angry Left have been attempting to turn
>our military victory in Iraq into a second Vietnam quagmire. Too bad
>for them, it's failing.

Too bad for Americans this is bogging down and dragging on because Bush
listened to who he liked (Rumsfeld and maybe etc.) over Colin Powell in
terms of troop strength (count) required to secure Iraq after deposing
Hussein. Bush and Rumsfeld liked to think that Iraquis would rise up to
support and rebuild their newly freed nation, despite plenty of history
indicating that they would be apathetic beyond or much beyond much beyond
hating Israel and usually USA and maybe other Arab factions or whatever
Arab warlord both offers a "best available deal" to them and is most able
to discount competitors (such as via acts of war).

Bush should have had his arguments more on "draining the swamp" and
should have used troop strength/count requirement estimates based on the
locals being mostly apathetic to that mission (as well as other "western"
foreign missions).

- Don Klipstein )