Recipe Request - Tortilla Chips
Wayne Lundberg wrote:
> "Rock Chick" > wrote in message
> ...
>>I have found many different sequences of recipes on google for tortilla
>>chips, but can anyone give me any inkling on real recipes that I can
>>use. I know that you can add various ingredients such as spinach to
>>change the colours
> You have just opened a can of worms using the word 'real'. But here goes: In
> old Mexico, even before the conquest, corn as and is the 'bread' of the
> Americas. Corn on the cob, dried corn slow cooked overnight with a touch
> lime for maza to make tortillas, tamales, picados, sopes. The traditional
> way found in 99% of all rural towns and villages in Mexico is to plant the
Two questions Wayne.
First, I assume when you say lime, we are talking about lye, though I'm
not really sure what lime and lye are in relation to chemical lime we
might put on our lawn. Info?
Second, when you mention hominy, how does what you make from scratch
compare to that which we can buy in a can? My thought is that if it
were similar, I could avoid early steps, and still make something that
would be more "real" (avoiding the use of that other word).