thickener for clam chowder
In article
>, alzelt
> wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > In article > ,
> > "tenplay" > wrote:
> >
> >
> >>What do you add to get the smooth and thick consistency of the white
> >>clam
> >>chowder?
> >
> >
> > I'm convinced that a lot of what passes for clam chowder in restaurants
> > is nothing but canned cream of potato soup with a can of clams added.
> > When I make it, I let the potatoes do the thickening -- it's not
> > wallpaper paste and has bits of potato and clams in it.
> Just a thought Barb, but why does it need to be thick. I am referring to
> Rhode Island clam chowder. Great taste, just not thick.
You're right, Alan. I didn't have the right words. I might better
have said something about the soup having 'body' as a result of the
potato starch. Jack did a better job describing what I was talking