SHRIMP SCAMPI---- means "shrimp shrimp"
On 2004-04-28, Dan Abel > wrote:
> the guy leading it (some big cheese in the dorms) denied that the
> buildings were named after wines. He said they were named after grapes!
Would you have us believe varientals are not grapes? While I realize wine
names are seriously abused, and wines named after varietal grapes can
contain other grapes varieties, that does not mean 'varietal' is not
synonymous with grape variety.
varietal: descriptive term for a wine nemed after the dominant grape variety
from which it is made. --Oxford Companion to Wine
IOW, a chardonnay wine IS made with chardonnay grapes.
chardonnay: a white grape variety --OCW
Of course, if your dorms are named Meritage or white zinfandel, then I'm
oughta here.