s*** on a shingle
jmcquown wrote:
> Doubtless you have more military experience than my father who was a 30 year
> Marine and retired a full bird Colonel. Yeah, he really enjoyed writing
> letters of condolence to the folks back home; it was one of his fondest
> duties. He saw enough action, sweetums, since he was shot twice. And
> sadly, those teenagers sent to Nam were nothing but stupid... they didn't
> want to be there (who did?) but they also didn't know how to follow orders.
Good show...blame it all on stupid enlsited guys for getting themsleves
killed or maimed. <Sarcasm to follow> Obviously, the senior officers
who ordered them into implausible, unwinnable situations had absolutely
nothing to do with it. Obviously the inadequate training on the part of
enlsited and junior officers also had nothing to do with it. You want
stupidity? Try the sitting government of the time for getting us
involved in a no-win war.
Tell me Jill, how many actual years of military service did YOU
complete? I have 15 before a medical retirement. I was Vietnam Era, I
got to take care of some of those boys when they came back - the one
who survived thanks to guys like L not-L and MASH units.
Oh yeah since you felt the need to bring up your dad's service
connected injuries, my late husband received the Purple Heart and
Bronze Star for action in the Meking Delta and suffered for years with
post traumatic stress syndrome thanks to 'Nam.