Food not allowed during pregnancy
"Kajikit" > wrote in message
> Erika saw Sally selling seashells by the seashore and told us all
> about it on Sun, 05 Oct 2003 20:05:45 GMT:
> >
> >
> >This is what the swedish food and health authority reccomend:
> >Do you not have similar recommendations in the US?
> In Australia they recommend that pregnant women avoid all sorts of
> things... everything from caffeine and alcohol (understandable!) down
> to dairy products and rare meats. In fact, they tell you to avoid so
> many things that your diet would be sadly restricted if you did it
> all! Personally I think they carry the 'warnings' rather too far -
> millions of babies have been born quite healthy before they
> 'discovered' all of these things that they say can be harmful during
> pregnancy!
> (huggles)
And millions were born damaged for reasons nobody understood. Then they did
figure it out and set out to prevent more injury. Doing without the things
listed for 9 months is a small price to pay to feel that you did everything
in your power to ensure your little one was healthy.