s*** on a shingle
SD wrote:
> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>>In article . com>,
>> "SD" > wrote:
>>>Jim Davis wrote:
>>>>Why does everyone insist on spelling out the nasty words in this? My
>>>>grandkids read this newsgroup and I don't think they ought to be exposed
>>>>to the flagrant use of this kind of language. Sure they know it but
>>>>hopefully they won't flaunt it in such a manner as used here.
>>>>My wife and I were both in the service and learned to like SOS very much
>>>>and still have it at times. Any ex-GI knows what SOS is and that is
>>>>descriptive enough of a term.
>>>Not everyone who reads this newsgroup is an ex-American GI therefore
>>>SOS is not a particularly descriptive term to them.
>>>Try using your kill filter to filter out nasty words if you don't want
>>>your grandkids reading them.
>>>There are far worse words than the word "shit" in other threads in
>>>this newsgroup. Why single out this thread?
>>If I were her, I'd sequester her grandkids from Usenet at all...
>>Kids are not stupid and can learn to do searches for other newsgroups.
>>I'd for sure keep kids away from the alt.binaries hierarchy. <G>
> I hear worse words at school from 5th graders. I hope they plan on
> keeping the grandkids isolated from all media, TV, and locked in the
> closet the rest of their lives. I think it will be the only way to
> prevent them hearing or reading those nasty words!
> SD
So the bottom line is 'if you can't beat em join em, right?'. Sorry,
folks, I'll stick with the morals and values I was taught. Very sad
they have become so obsolete. I figure I've got about another 20 years
on this earth and that seem to be quite enough considering the trend