Weird nicknames for recipes (was shit on a shingle)
Kate carried on:
>> Toad in the hole (Yorkshire pudding with sausage I believe?)
>> Pigs in a Blanket (sausage or hot dog meatrolls in dough)
>> Can't think of any others off hand, too tired and need to get some sleep
>> for the day. ;-)
> Spotted Dick
> Fly Cakes
> Shoofly Pie
> Bubble and Squeak
> Galloping Horses
> Poor Knights
> Lips of the Beauty
> Hushpuppies
> Trifle
> Angel's Double Chin
> Turtles
> Baked Alaska
> Monkey Bread
> Nun's Breasts
> Flannelcakes
> Hoppin' John
> Burgoo
> Tote Oma (Dead Granny)
> S'Mores
> Bangers
> Dublin Lawyer
> Angel's on Horseback
> Flummery
> Star-gazy Pit
> Love in Disguise
> Twice Laid
> Singin' Hinnies
> Solomon Grundy
> Petticoat Tails
Pets de Nonne (Nun's Farts)
Maiden's Drool
Elephant Ears
Strozzapreti (Priest Stranglers)