OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>>> Jill wrote:
>>>> You are apparently not a good cook or you'd not have to ask these
>>>> questions.
>>> Er...what? Since when are good cooks the only people allowed to post
>>> here?
>>> Bob
>> Good point, Bob
And by the way, yes I wish my father was dead.
>> He's a drag on my mother who wishes she didn't have to tend him and
>> make sure he doesn't wander off and practically tend his diapers
>> every day. (sigh) So much for being a colonel, eh? Stupid is as
>> stupid does, especially when one has a gun.
>> Jill
> She could place him in a nursing home? Or is that just not an option?
You should meet my father... then you'd realize a nursing home is not an
option he'd take to nicely. His older sister, my aunt Win, and her husband
are happy to live in an assisted living faciltiy. There aren't exactly lots
of nursing homes in the Beaufort area. I'm not sure she would have any idea
how do do that. My S.O. John put his mother in an assisted living vacility
and she does nothing but bitch about it and she's 98 years old. She has
friends living down the corridor and someone to clean the place and cook for
her but bitch, bitch, bitch.