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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default Corned Beef vs Salt Beef (naval beef)

jmcquown wrote:

> You made the point succinctly. She has no input. We're talking about a
> woman who has never had a job in her life. She has occasionally stood up
> for herself but really, she won't write a check without permission. She's
> never been a position to have any say in anything; she was raised to believe
> the MAN is in control because he was the breadwinner. It's the way things
> were and the way things still are in her world.

And where will she be when he can't control the check writing any more?
Women have been advised to be careful to not be in the dark on financial
matters and participate in their own household decisions for just the
reason that if the breadwinner wasn't there anymore what would they be
able to do?
You should pack a bag, go spend a long visit with mom and help her see
she's not some emotional slave to bygone chauvinism. Most military wives
are quite independent as they are required to hold the fort down while
the military man is away. Did she forget?