Cooking for the weather
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> Oh pshaw, On Mon 31 Jul 2006 11:23:27a, Alexis was muttering about...
>> Unlike most of the rest of the US, the weather here is cool (my outside
>> thermometer says is't about 52degF), cloudy, and about to rain (rain is
>> forcast for the rest of the week, actually). In other words, it's
>> chicken soup weather. Heading to the kitchen now to start a big pot
>> <g>
>> Alexis.
> I rarely cook anything with particular regard to the weather. If it's cold
> out (which is rare here), the heat is on. If it's hot here, the A/C is on.
> It really doesn't make much difference, so we eat more according to taste
> than climate.
It has been so hot and humid here (and not cooling down much at night)
for the past few days, the air conditioners can't keep up. I simmered a
pot of fresh green beans over very low flame with a lid on the pot last
night, and just that little bit of cooking heated up the kitchen
something fierce. The coolest room in the house is well over 80
degrees, and I hate to think about the electric bill next month. I
checked the local weather at 4:00 AM Saturday night and it was still 80
degrees and 97% humidity.
I've been hosing down the roof and the south side of the house every few
hours during the afternoons to get rid of some of the heat. The weather
pattern is supposed to break tomorrow.
Enjoying the A/C at work today,