sf > wrote in message >. ..
> On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 20:14:34 +1300, Tigsnona
> > wrote:
> > lay out a couple of thin slices of smoked salmon,on a plate,
> > and then a fanned-out avocado half. To do this, you destone the
> > avocado and place one half flat side down on a cutting board. Slice
> > thinly from the small end to the large, and then lifting carefully put
> > onto the plate and fan it out. brush fresh lemon juice over the
> > avocado. Grind black pepper over, and a little oily vinagrette and a
> > wedge of lemon. Just heavenly! Garnish with parsley as well.
> Would you please explain this again sloooowly? I love all
> the ingredients, but I'm having a hard time picturing it.
Halve the avocado. Make thin slices lengthwise (all the way through
the bloom end, or do you leave it intact at that end?) and fan these
slices out upon the salmon. The fanning sounds like the same sort of
thing that's sometimes done with strawberries (although those are
usually left intact at the stem end.)
Peeling first might be a good idea.
Greg Zywicki