Cincinnati Chili Spice Pack ?
> Using a "Cincinnati chili spike pack" ( probably from Goldstar; don't
> see any available on Skyline's site ) how close can you get to the
> 'authentic' taste of Cincinnati Chili? (And ... any suggestions on
> making it once I get the spice packs?)
Why would you want to? Cincinatti chili is an out and out fake. Mash
hamburger with a potato masher while sprinkling in some water to get
that so-called "consistency" they think is special, then add (too
little of) any generic chili powder and some (any is too much of)
cinammon, and you've got it. Come back and ask about real chili some
time. (I'm as far removed from a Texan as anyone could be, but even I
know that Cincinatti chili is an oxymoron.) -aem