What bizarre names do you have for 'normal' foods
As our oldest son got older he took a liking to steak. One day as we were
sitting down to the family dinner table he said "wait, we don't have Al's
sauce." Took a few seconds but we figured out he was missing the A-1 sauce.
Check out the bottle - it does look like it says Al's.
"Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote in message
> New thread he we went over the list of bizarre food items and just
> they actually were. Now a new question: Does your family have any
> names for common household food items?
> My youngest daughter called ketchup 'whoa-whoa' when she was little. Her
> eldest brother looks at it as a separate food item and was promptly
> a large bottle of it on his plate. He was told to stop, to save some for
> someone else, etc. etc. Finally, his father grabs the bottle and says
> 'whoa, whoa, slow down, boy!' Jill in her mind sees Dad taking the
> and saying 'whoa whoa'......a couple of days later she wants 'whoa whoa'
> her french fries. Took her taking someone by the hand and showing them
> bottle of ketchup that we finally 'understood' what whoa whoa was.
> Your next.
> -ginny