Why You Should Get A Personal Chef
Ozgirl > wrote:
: Julie Bove wrote:
: > "Chef Natasha Treu Fletcher" >
: wrote in
: > message
: ups.com...
: >
: > <spam and other sutff snipped>
: >>
: >
: >> "Americans spend about 30 minutes preparing dinner every
: day, down
: >> from two and a half hours in the 1960's..." - New York
: Times This
: >> means most Americans who cook are not eating delicious
: meals. In
: >> much less time than this, each day you could heat the
: gourmet meals
: >> made by your chef and have a succulent and wholesome
: feast.
: >
: > 30 minutes? What in the flip can you prepare in 30
: minutes? I can't.
: > Unless perhaps it's a salad. I don't need a chef. I
: actually like
: > to cook and I have the time to do it. Now go away and
: take the rest
: > of your spam with you.
: Apart from the spam... I do dinner most nights in 30 mins
: or less. We mostly eat veggies and plain meats of some kind,
: grilled. A roast obviously takes longer. Stir fry is very
: quick. I cooked stir fry last night in the time it took the
: rice for the kids to cook. Spagetti bol type meals are a tad
: longer but all done in less than an hour.
I'm with you on this. I often get dinner prepared in 30 minutes. How
lond does it take to cook , groil, grill, microwave a piece of fish,
sicrowave some fresh vegetables and throw together a nice salad? We eat
well as I have, over hte years, developed the skills to season food well
and prepare it.
This does not meat that I never make longer cooking dishes like stews,
roast, oven roasated or baked poultry(I really prefer bone-in ibirds to
the little breasts, or home made soups. I do much of that kind of cooking
in the winter, certainly not in th eheat we are currently having:-) adn
may spend some hours(at least the stove does) preparing something we can
eat for several days.
Last night we had gazpacho, which I make in large quantities, grilled
eggplant slices and portobello mushrooms, seasoned with pepper, garlic and
wiped with oil to which I added some grated cheese when they were don and
let them sit next to the grill for a few minutes. This , with a lafge
salad with lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, olives with a citrus vinegrette and
a small piece of canteloupe with 6 cherries for dessert, was a lovely
dinner Tonight we will have tiapia fillets microwaved with sliced peppers
and onions and salsa, a green vegetables and salad and much the same
dessert as well as gazpacho. Both these meals are fast, easy and