Hello and Thank You
Just wanted to say hi. I've been lurking on this group for a while now
and have found you people to be incredibly knowledgeable and helpful
on all things tea related. I've only just jumped into the whole world
of decent tea within the last year or so, so I've needed plenty of
help figuring out how to tell night from day. Between the FAQ and
daily posts, I can't even begin to tell you how much I've learned.
I've been taking things slowly, making my way through the blacks
first, am starting to get my feet wet with greens (dragonwell...where
have you been all my life?!), and then I think I'll cast off into the
wild, wild world of pu-erh. It's getting so bad that I just bought a
Zojirushi, and I'm sure I'll have to get a gawain set follwed by a
decent yixing pot or two. Damned if this habit isn't fun and rewarding
Anyhow, to make a long story longer, thank you, and keep up the good