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Dominic T. Dominic T. is offline
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Posts: 1,096
Default Hello and Thank You

Throat Warbler Mangrove wrote:
> Hello,
> Just wanted to say hi. I've been lurking on this group for a while now
> and have found you people to be incredibly knowledgeable and helpful
> on all things tea related. I've only just jumped into the whole world
> of decent tea within the last year or so, so I've needed plenty of
> help figuring out how to tell night from day. Between the FAQ and
> daily posts, I can't even begin to tell you how much I've learned.
> I've been taking things slowly, making my way through the blacks
> first, am starting to get my feet wet with greens (dragonwell...where
> have you been all my life?!), and then I think I'll cast off into the
> wild, wild world of pu-erh. It's getting so bad that I just bought a
> Zojirushi, and I'm sure I'll have to get a gawain set follwed by a
> decent yixing pot or two. Damned if this habit isn't fun and rewarding
> though.
> Anyhow, to make a long story longer, thank you, and keep up the good
> work!
> Warbler

Welcome Warbler,

It's always my standard to suggest a read through Okakura's "Book of
Tea" especially since it is available free online: ... the actual book will only set
you back $4 at a book store though.

My other suggestion is to not worry so much about categories of tea at
first. Buy a few of each, and they can be lower quality tea bags from
an Asian/Indian market even. A few Assam's, Darjeeling's, Blacks,
Greens, Oolongs, and even a couple cheaper Pu-Erh tuo/mini tuo. Then
don't think too much and just try them each, you will find that you
gravitate towards certain ones naturally. Then delve into those areas a
bit deeper and then you can really appreciate the better quality teas
and what it is that you enjoy.

Personally I enjoy greens, but I also can get into some oolongs and
pu-erh and occasionally I'll go for a DJ, Assam, or black. My tastes
change with the seasons and sometimes with my moods, and they will most
certainly change over time.

Best of luck, and most importantly Enjoy!

- Dominic
Drinking: Brewing some Young Hyson as I type.