Young pu'er / Xi-Zhi Hao Nan Nuo
Hello all. I'm drinking some 2005 Xi-Zhi Hao Nan Nuo purple tips that
I got as a sample from Hou De. Xi-Zhi Hao (actually Xizi Hao, but who
cares, right?) is a newish brand of single-estate pu'er, produced by a
Taiwanese company. It's pretty expensive but very high quality, as far
as I can tell. I noticed that Sensei Petro recommends the Lao Ban Zhan
(actually Laobanzhang, but again, who cares) on his website. I like
the LBZ too, but the Nan Nuo really does it for me, for some reason.
It's very young, obviously, but really round and complex and has this
faint pepper taste that I really like.
So, I have two questions:
One, has anyone else tried the Nan Nuo, and what do you think about it?
Two, generally when you are drinking a new pu'er, what are some clues
that it will be a good aged pu'er ten years down the line? In other
words, what do you look for in a new pu'er that indicates to you that
it will age well?
Thanks, any advice or thoughts would be appreciated.