Posted to
TN: Wines at Manresa
In article . com>,
>My reward for spending my vacation with Betsy's family (I like them
>all, but still) was dinner for just the two of us at Manresa in Los
>Gatos. I had eaten at the Beard House when David Kinch cooked there,
>and was looking forward to this evening. Possibly too much, my
>expectations were high. Yet they were surpassed all the way around.
>There were no lowpoints -not one flawed dish, complaint about service,
>and or fault with the space. The food was uniformly delicious, stunning
>visually, and interesting. Stunningly good restaurant.
Great TN's. I am envious though. We did a quick trip to Burlingame and SF
recently, and I really wanted to add Manresa to the mix. However the time
constraints were too great to get down to Los Gatos, so I had to settle for
Viognier in San Mateo, with Restaurant Gary Danko (thanks Mark L) and Michael
Mina's in SF. While all were great, I would have loved to add Manresa to the
lot. Reading your comments, makes me wish all the more, that I had.
You also do a great job of noting both the dishes and the wine. I envy you
that ability. Unless I can get the sommelier to compile a list and get a copy
of the menu, I'm usually dividing my time between the meal/wine and our dinner
guests. While I do have my fun, note taking is usually precluded. Heck, even
taking the time to reflect on the wine list brings glares from my wife for
ignoring the folk at the table. I guess that that is why she is the "business"
person in the family - she knows how to multi-task better than I.
I suppose that I'll have to make do with vicarious dining at Manresa - until
next time! Thanks for taking me there. Especially nice since Betsy drove <G>.