Recipes with strange names
Farts in a Frying Pan
Serves 4
2 - rashers of bacon
1 clove garlic
1 teaspoon red pepper
1 tablespoon of Hunt's ketchup (It is the best)
1 large can Bushes' baked beans (country style)
4 eggs
2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil
Peel and crush garlic clove, sautee in olive oil.
Lightly cook the bacon in the frying pan with the garlic.
Stir in ketchup and other seasonings.
Arrange the baked beans in oven proof dish.
Layer put the bacon on top.
Make four small indentations in the beans and carefully break an egg into
each one.
Cover and bake it in the oven at 325° for approximately 20 minutes -
depending on how you like your eggs.
Serve with bread & butter.