Need meal ideas
Laura wrote:
> Hello-
> I am looking for new dinner ideas please!
> I have a vegetarian (fish, dairy and egg ok) 12 yr old, a picky 5 yr
> old and a 3 yr old that says "ewww" to anything that looks different.
> So I guess I am really looking for meal ideas that preschoolers will
> eat (other than mac and cheese and pb&j)
> Thanks for your help!
> Laura
Since when are fish, milk, and eggs vegetables?
Anyways, try Chinese. I've just started experimenting with a wok* and I
am truely amazed. Meals are cheaper and faster than ever before. And
super delicious.
Let me add a shameless plug for _Chinese Cooking for Dummies_ by Martin
*my cast iron wok has not actually arrived yet, but I have a cast iron
saute pan that seems to be doing just fine.