JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
> "biig" > wrote in message ...
> >
> > Well a few weeks ago I planted some from a seed pack with the usual
> > picture of mature arugula. It sprouted and is growing beautifully, but,
> > it doesn't look anything like arugula. It has leaves that are jagged,
> > not like an elongated oak leaf. I used the same seed pack in the spring
> > when I tried to grow it with a "grow light" and it looks nothing like it
> > did when it sprouted that time.????? Have I been duped, or is it
> > normal for it to start out jagged? I can't post a
> > pic......Help!!....Sharon
> Arugula gets an attitude when grown in hot weather. The leaves look
> different than those grown in early spring, and they get bitter more
> quickly.
> I use fence wire to make a tunnel over my cool weather crops, like this, but
> smaller, obviously:
> Mine cover 2 rows because that makes the tunnels small enough to lift off
> easily without clobbering other nearby plants. On top of the tunnels, I've
> attached grey window screen to cut down on the sunlight. It helps with
> arugula, spinach, lettuce, swiss chard and quite a few other things whose
> seed packets say "Plant in early spring, and again in mid to late summer for
> a fall crop". I want these things all summer, so this is my method.
That must be the problem. I have it in a large glazed bowl, about 18
inches across. The bowl has an unglazed bottom, so I'm assuming that
the water won't stay in long enough to rot the roots. I can't shield it
because I have basil in the same pot. We've had hot weather and the
plant gets a lot of sun. Maybe I should move the basil. Is your
arugual too bitter to use? I tried it and expected a nice peppery
flavour, but there wasn't much flavour at all. .......Sharon