-L. wrote:
> cybercat wrote:
>> It is too late. You should have trained them to eat foods that are
>> good for them. A wide variety of foods.
> This is so true. They don't starve themselves for long, LOL. I think
> part of the problem is that so may people use pre-packaged baby food
> which is laden with starch and/or salt and sugar. You switch them to
> table food and they reject it. We fed J table food from the start and
> he's always been a good eater. He doesn't always eat everything
> offered, but we offer it to him time and time again, anyway. Still
> won't touch a coked carrot though, LOL...
> -L.
I won't touch carrots, either

Oh, I put them in soups and stews but I
usually wind up eating around them. I just can't stand the taste.