Cincinnati Chili Spice Pack ?
"aem" > writes:
>[white flag is hoisted from the trench and begins to wave slowly back
>and forth]
>On due consideration I believe my lexicological pickiness is misplaced,
>and that Cincinatti chili is just as valid a name for that dish as
>Texas chili is for the other dish. I will continue to believe that
>specific recipes with well-established names shouldn't be seriously
>altered unless you change the name but that is not the case here. -aem
I'm sorry if I was coming across as a jerk, which was not my intention.
I have strong feelings about Cincinnati chili, which probably comes
across as rather strange to some.
This thread on CC does come across frequently, and I've always thought
it's okay to hate it. But I've never understood hating it because
of the name. There have too many stories along the lines of "I
went to Cincinnati, I heard they were famous for the chili, and
when I tried some, I hated it...that's not real chili!"
There are all kinds of regional names to a variety of
different foods. Alton Brown, for example, just did an episode on
chicken fried steak, and I never knew there was such variation on
something so simple. Geez...barbecue/bbq/whatever has so many
regional variations, and elicits (I feel) much more passion than
anything I can muster for CC. Texans love their brisket, in Memphis
or KC, it's the ribs, and in NC it's the pulled pork. I think
those arguments are also complete garbage, because no matter
what is what, it's all great food! To me, I'd die happy if I
were in a meat coma induced by a plate of brisket, ribs and pulled
BTW, for a background on chili, I found the Wikipedia pages on
chili and Cincinnati chili are pretty informative. The recipe,
however, for Cincinnati chili (which comes from Gourmet Magazine)
is complete garbage.