Why does my gnocchi taste like rubber?
"Benjamin Johnston" > wrote in message
. au...
> Hi,
> I've almost given up on gnocchi. I've tried making it many times - with
> varying amounts of potato, flour and semolina. I've tried kneading it for
> different lengths of time. I've tried several recipies. But I just can't
> my gnocchi to taste anywhere near the stuff you get in restaurants or even
> from a supermarket.
> Every single time it comes out rubbery. Really heavy and dense and
> I'm pretty sure it isn't a problem with the cooking - because I can cook
> store-bought gnocchi fine. I'm pretty sure I must be doing something wrong
> during the preparation.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks a lot,
> -Benjamin Johnston
Ben, it sounds like a classic case of "over working" the dough. Incorporate
your ingredients but don't spend a lot of time trying to get the dough to be
too much like a bread dough.