Pandora wrote:
> "Peter A" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> ...
> In article >,
> says...
>> There are no fewer than seven major kinds of Hungarian paprika and none
>> are really hot - even the hotter ones are not very much hotter than
>> ordinary black pepper: különleges ("special", only slightly hot),
>> csipösségmentes (not hot at all), csemege ("gastronomical", not hot),
>> édesnemes ("noble sweet"), fél-édes ("semi-sweet"), rózsa ("pink",
>> fairly hot), and erös (hot).
>> For cooking, only the sweeter varieties are supposed to be used, with
>> édesnemes often being preferred. The hotter varieties (rózsa and erös)
>> are normally added to the already cooked dishes. BTW, "sweet" means the
>> absence of heat, it doesn't indicate any actual sweetness.
> If you are interested in paprika I highly recommend investigating the
> Spanish varieties as well as the Hungarian. has a good
> selection. They have smoked paprika which is great - adds a different
> flavor.
> Are you saying that hungarian paprika has a smoked taste? A friend of mine ,
> one month ago, brought me from hungay a package of sweet paprika. It was
> very tasty but not smoked...I don't know.
I think you and Peter are having slight linguistic difficulties, you
have your wires crossed to use an English colloquialism. He is just
talking about Hungarian paprika, noe of which as far as I know is
smoked. You are not disagreeing with him when you say that there is a
Spanish smoked variety which tastes quite different.
Here we can only really get the two kinds, Hungaran sweet and Spanish
smoked (and that only recently). No doubt people of Hungarian extraction
are able to get supplies of the various varieties, but if I wanted them
I'd have to go on a hunt!