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Default Do convection ovens really ruin the toast?

"Vox Humana" > wrote in
> "Ajanta" > wrote in message
> ...
>> As I am looking the toaster ovens, afe whave commented to me that
>> convection ovens are not good for toasting, that they dry the bread.
>> Do they? Any experience?

> Ovens don't make good toast. You need direct radiant heat. I use my
> convection ovens for baking. I broil in the oven (without convection)
> and make toast in a toaster.

I believe any toaster oven does a poor job on toast. Because the heating
elements are too far away from the bread. This means it takes longer to
brown the bread, which allows the bread to dry out too much.

I use my toaster to make toast and my convection microwave oven to make 1
dish meals, bake a potato or keep things warm. Since I live alone the
convection oven gets used as to not heat up the kitchen
with the stove's oven.

In my opinion toaster ovens have their place and are very useful but not
for making toast.

Once during Prohibition I was forced to live for days on nothing but food
and water.