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Muddle Muddle is offline
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Posts: 160
Default Strawberry Smoothie Recipe

A lot depends on what you do, whether you sit on a couch all day watching
soap operas or tend a backyard flower and vegetable garden. People need to
burn sugar and starches to remain healthy if they are active. The problem
is many people do absolutely nothing before, during or after eating sugar,
however that doesn't render sugar unhealthy, harmful or evil.
I have dangerously low cholesterol levels and have had numerous doctors tell
me to eat more eggs, oils, salmon etc. I'd probably be dead by now if I
listened to health nut's trying to convince me cholesterol isn't healthy.

"Joan F (MI)" > wrote in message
> My objection was to calling a sugar laden drink "healthy". It may not be
> harmful for people of normal weight and good health to have an occasional
> drink like this, but they should not convince themselves that it is

> In ,
> June Geraci > stated
> | While I will agree that diet can be a contributing factor in the
> | development of type 2 diabetes, I believe that there are more
> | tactful ways of advising people to watch their sugar intake than the
> | one you used. Many people who develop type 2 are obese, but that is
> | not the only factor, and scientists are still trying to pin down all
> | the reasons people get it. In my case, there was a genetic
> | predisposition for the development of type 2 - my father, my
> | grandmother, and one uncle developed diabetes later in life. I also
> | have chronic lung disease, which unfortunately required me to be on
> | corticosteroids for over thirty years. (I thank the developers of
> | Advair for finally making me prednisone-free!) While steroids
> | helped my breathing, they also weakened my bones, made me gain
> | weight, and raised my blood glucose levels. Being unable to breathe
> | made it difficult to be active, also adding to weight gain. High
> | blood pressure and high cholesterol are also contributors to the
> | development of type 2 - and both run in my family - again the
> | genetic predisposition.
> |
> | Dessert was not on the dinner table every night when I was growing
> | up, nor was I given permission to chase the ice cream truck down the
> | street every day, so when people tried to accuse my mother of
> | "stuffing me with sugar" when I was a child, thus causing me to
> | develop diabetes, they were dead wrong.
> |
> | Yes, the increased numbers of overweight children and adults, and
> | the sedentary lifestyle that usually accompanies it will cause more
> | and more people to develop this disease - it IS being called an
> | epidemic.
> |
> | As far as overeating is concerned, that's a huge problem for many
> | people. If I order a pasta meal at a restaurant, I will also ask
> | for a takeout container, because my plate will generally have enough
> | for three full meals on it. Thanks to carbohydrate counting classes,
> | I can look at the meal and estimate how much I should eat. If my
> | blood glucose is good three hours after that meal, I know I did it
> | right! Unfortunately, most people will finish that plate, whether
> | they are a six foot tall man, or a five foot tall woman, or a ten
> | year old child!
> |
> | Let's educate people, and not attack them. You'll get better
> | results that way. I met a young woman at a restaurant recently who
> | was totally lost as to how or what to eat. She had just been
> | diagnosed with pre-diabetes, but had been given no guidance. I
> | pulled out a card from the local branch of the Joslin Diabetes
> | Center and explained about all the classes available for her to
> | take, and the type of help she could expect from them.
> | Good health to you!!
> |
> |