Thread: Battle Fennel?
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Mike H Mike H is offline
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Default Battle Fennel?

"Nancy2" > wrote in news:1154703330.758347.270370

> And, do the chefs know beforehand what the secret ingredient is going
> to be? it seems the chefs never talk to the sous chefs about any
> preparation beforehand, everyone just grabs food and starts prepping
> it. How do the sous chefs know what the boss wants?

In the original Iron Chef, the chefs knew it would be one of five
ingredients, in ICA, I've heard they know it will be one of two. I've seen
Batali & Cora do a quick huddle with their sous chef's before production,
I've seen challengers do so as well, but with only 2 ingredients to prepare
for, odds are they have 2 game plans down in advance, and they just run
with what they've prepared.