Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> On Sat, 05 Aug 2006 18:19:54 GMT, "Ophelia" > wrote:
>> Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
>>> Chicken Fried Steak
>>> http://americastestkitchen.com/
>> Gosh thanks Carol
)) I am very surpised to see no chicken is
>> involved
) What kind of steak is used and am I right is thinking it
>> is cubed?
> Yes, it's made with cubed steaks. And just so we're singing from the
> same hymnal, In the USA, cubed steaks are lean beef steaks that have
> been run through a tenderizer so they resemble thin hamburger patties.
> But they're still just one hunk of meat. If they don't do that in
> Scotland, you can get a nasty, lean thinnish steak and pound the crap
> out of it with a meat mallet to achieve the basic effect.
Understood Carol, thanks <G> Cubed steak here is meat chopped into cubes.