"Ozgirl" > wrote in message
> I find Chinese restaurants to be very obliging. It's not
> hard for me to get low carb food in Chinese restaurants
> here. As long as I nix the rice
I don't actually miss it
> though, but I do have a small serve of fried rice on
> occasion.
The only Chinese food I actually like is Tomato Beef and I find it not
served in many restaurants outside of the International district. But the
only way I like it is to pick out the veggies and sauce, put them over rice
or noodles and not to eat any of the beef. Heh! This is one of the few
Chinese dishes I took the time to find out how to make. And even with the
changes I make to it to lessen the carbs it's still too carby for me. Just
isn't the same without a lot of noodles or rice. The rest of it, I can live
without. Actually I can live without that too. But I would like it every
once in a while.
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