Thread: flank steak
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Buz Overbeck Buz Overbeck is offline
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Default flank steak

"lowdown" > wrote in message
> hello all, i am looking for a marinate for flank steak, i would let it sit
> over night to 24 hours. Something where i get to use lots of garlic and
> lemon juice, not a reall big fan of the sweet stuff like teriyaki. Thanks
> everyone for their thoughts and inputs.

The one we use for fajitas consistent of:

1. 1/2 cup fresh lime juice
2. 1/2 cup soy sauce
3. 1/3 cup garlic powder (or suit to taste)

Mix thoroughly, then

4. Put flank steak in plastic gallon bag (or two grocery produce bags)
5. Cover with the marinade and seal the bag
6. Place in the refrigerator overnight

If you try it, let us know how you like it.