mmm.... rare prime rib...
In article >, Bob Pastorio
> wrote:
(snip)Helping them make pizzas with all sorts of exotic (for them)
> ingredients was a trip. Artichoke hearts, brussels sprouts, anchovies,
> stinky cheeses, fish and other things that they wouldn't normally eat
> at gunpoint. Round ones, square ones, triangular ones. One even made
> with frozen French fries! gently smooshed together as a crust.
> I do miss the dynamism of a busy restaurant now and again. I don't
> miss the long days and physically-demanding life it is. My last
> operation was open from 6 am to 2 am, 365. Four hours closed to clean
> and restock and back at it. Bar, restaurant, banquet spaces and
> off-premises catering. Staff of 70 at its height. A new soap opera
> every day.
There was a great pizza place in St. Paul -- Grand and Snelling Aves.
It was called Spuddzza. They put a thin layer of sliced potatoes on top
of the crust before adding the other toppings. They made a roma and
basil number on a sour cream sauce, with a little cheese topping, I
think, that was just wonderful. Must be not enough folks were willing
to try -- they're gone. I was crushed. I used to stoke up at their
State Fair booth the days I was there. <deep, mournful sigh>