"Dominic T." > writes:
> Lewis Perin wrote:
> > About the Apoorva: Sure goodness is a judgment for the mouth to make,
> > but anyone who drinks the stuff expecting something like a Makaibari
> > year-stamped FF or 2F is going to be ... surprised?
> But the Apoorva is not labeled "Makaibari" which was my point, that is
> why it is labled "Apoorva."
But it's labeled *both* Apoorva and Makaibari. Had it not been
labeled Makaibari, I wouldn't have given it a second thought when I
first tasted it and disliked it.
> As with anything, sure there can be different grades and quality but
> on the whole I still can't see taking Lipton or Tetley over even the
> fanings of Makaibari.
I don't believe I compared Apoorva to U.S. supermarket teas. A
cup-to-cup test against, say, the Lipton label teas you see in India
and in U.S. shops catering to South Asians might be interesting. As
for "different grades and quality", that was my original point, I
think. I'm surprised that it aroused controversy.
Lew Perin /