a bacon butty a bacon sarnie or The Ultimate Bacon Sandwich
In article .com>,
"sf" > wrote:
> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> >
> > <lol> Serious salt overload... ;-)
> >
> > I'd have to take an extra dose of Torsemide the next day if I did
> > something like that! I'm very salt sensitive.....
> I just got a perscription of Hydroduiril/Esidrix yesterday (25mg, once
> a day) for edema but it's not doing anything significant as far as I
> can tell. The little swelling that went away would have anyway.
> Should I call the Dr. about it or just wait a day or two and see what
> happens?
Hm, Torsemide (aka Demadex) is a slightly milder drug than Furosemide
(Lasix). It hits me in about 30 minutes if I take it on an empty stomach
and I pee like a racehorse every 15 minutes for the next 2 hours if I've
got some real fluid retention on board..... ;-)
I've lost 3 to 5 lbs. in one night sometimes if I was really bad off. I
don't take it daily, just as needed. I've been using it for 14 years now
and I love it. The dose is 20 mg. but I often just take 1/2 of one of
the fluid retention is mild. I've been using it so long, I've learned to
judge the dose.
If the drug you are taking is not working for you, do discuss it with
your doctor.
I don't have to use it as often if I behave myself with salt intake but
it's nice to have if I do eat out, or over-indulge in salt. You have to
watch your potassium levels tho' but so far, for me, it's not been a
My fluid retention problem is a combination of sodium sensitivity and
hypothyroidism that is still only marginally controlled.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
-- Jack Nicholson