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Dominic T. Dominic T. is offline
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Default A brief introduction...

Tess wrote:
> Dominic T. wrote:
> > You are an adventurous one, anyone jumping straight in Lapsang

> Souchong
> > is a trooper. Do yourself a favor and try some Gyokuro, Kukicha, Pi Lo
> > Chun, and Lung Ching (Dragonwell), these are great enjoyable greens
> > that shouldn't be missed if you have never had them.

> No worries; I'd had the Lapsang Souchong in the past. Thing is, I'm
> also crazy about good single malt scotch, and the smokier and peatier
> it is, the happier I am--so I tend to like smoky teas as well. I've had
> Dragonwell and loved it, and just picked up some of the Twig Tea to
> try--I'll give Gyokuro a shot, have heard much good about it, thanks!
> > Enjoy!
> > - Dominic

> Thanks much!
> Tess

OK, well at least that helps explain things... I'd be completely amazed
at someone just jumping straight into Lapsang and enjoying it.

I think you will enjoy Kukicha a lot based on your drink preference, it
is slightly roasted and is a nice middleground between smoky/heavily
roasted and green. Another great choice for you may be Hojicha, it is a
lot like Genmai but minus the rice. I have never aquired a taste for
genmai or hojicha and really have to force myself to down even a small
cup when offered to me, but if they are your bag then go for it.

I'm more of a Tequila kinda guy over a fine scotch, so our tastes may
be vastly different in teas, but I still think Kukicha and Hojicha will
be pleasing to you. I actually find myself feeling for your poor
boyfriend I think I'd rather gnaw my own arm off than come home to a
freshly brewed container of Genmai iced every day. You may want to find
something he can enjoy or both of you can enjoy together.

I'm leaving work so I have to cut this short...

Take Care,
- Dominic