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Default If You Eat Pork of any kind

From: "Marcelino" >
Subject: If You Eat Pork of any kind
Date: Sunday, October 05, 2003 5:08 PM

You really need to check this out... Pork eater especially.

First, PETA is hardly a reliable source. They are known to go to great
lengths to "prove" their case, and creating a bit of fiction, stretching the
truth, taking isolated incidents and making them to be part of an entire
industry are just a few of their tricks.
Second, if you do a little research, you'll see this case was already in the
courts, already addressed. You know where you won't find that information?
On PETA's site. They'd have you believe it's going on, unchecked, right now.
Third, my maternal family (that is to say, my family on my mother's side)
are all farmers. My Aunt & Uncle, up until they retired 3 years ago, ran a
very large dairy farm. Those cows had a good life, and were never beaten or
abused. This is the rule, not the exception. Of course in any given
situation, there are bound to be whackos abusing something or someone.
That's a human problem. How else do you explain rape, homicide, genocide,
etc? If a guy named Bob is a rapist or murderer, does that mean all guys
named Bob are the same? Because one farm (which didn't look to me to be very
large) has bad practices or bad workers, doesn't mean the farming industry,
or even the pork industry, as a whole behaves in the same manner.
People eat meat. They have for centuries and will likely continue to do so.
The extremists at PETA would do well to accept that fact. I do not condone
cruelty and unnecessary suffering for animals, but I don't think that most
of them are treated that way either.
