Fish Sauce
In article >, Steve Wertz
> wrote:
> On Tue, 08 Aug 2006 13:27:32 -0700, gtr wrote:
> > In article >, Ken Blake
> > > wrote:
> >
> >>> Notice that restaurants always use glass bottles for their
> >>> table-top ketchups.
> >>
> >> That used to be true, but not any more in my experience. These days I
> >> hardly
> >> ever see anything but plastic.
> >
> > True but they are also pretty rapidly emptied and refilled.
> I do remember seeing a plastic one recently. It was designed so
> that it couldn't be refilled (or tampered with easily, is my
> guess).
It's been a long time since I studied a ketchup bottle but I remember
seeing them long ago where they all said "not for refill". Why, I
don't know. Since then, many is the time I've seen two bottles stacked
neck-to-neck draining one typhoid bazaar into the next.
Thank you and have a nice day.