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Mr Libido Incognito Mr Libido Incognito is offline
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Default Red...kinda Apple butter bbq sauce for pulled pork

I'm crock potting a boneless pork butt shoulder roast rubbed with a
little cumin salt and pepper and nestled in onion slices and I just made
this bbq sauce to go with it...very tasty. I crock pot cook the meat till
shredable...remove and shred...drain fat out crockpot....add shredded
meat and onion slices and bbq sauce till just a little wet with sauce
after being stirred around a bit. Cook it on low another hr or so till
sauce is almost totally absorbed. very nice with a side salad or maybe on
a bed of rice.

Apple butter bbq sauce

1/3 approx sweet onion purreed in food processor with a little water
(walawala this time).
1 can approx 10 oz Hunts tomato sauce...Italian style
1 jar applebutter approx 1 cup.
2 or 3 tbsps Maggi sauce,,,whorchestershire would work.
scant tsp dry mustard powder (Keens)
3 or 4 tbsp fancy molasses (might be more.)
liquid smoke to taste (me 6 or 7 shakes of the bottle)
crushed red chile peppers to taste (me...a good tsp)(the kind that used
to be in pizza parlours)

start out on lowish heat (me stove on 3)...dump everything in a pot and
slowly bring up to a slow simmer...and simmer stirring every now and then
approx 1/2 hour. The idea is to to cook up the onion and let it
evaporated a bit to help thicken it...Heat too high and it will burn (I

if too acidic tasting (this batch I used splenda)
adjust acidity using a splenda pkg or about a tsp sugar or clue
why I used splenda as the applebutter is full of sugar...

if too sweet add some lemon or lime juice ...again to taste

makes just under 4 cups... recipe I can come up with...I measure stuff by eye and hand
not by spoon or cup when I make this kinda thing


Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect
