Thread: Makaibari...
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Alex[_3_] Alex[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 205
Default Ti Lo Han/WuYi's [was:Makaibari...]

It varies. China is a lot more exciting but Taiwan has a lot of
advantages, and not getting ripped off at every turn is chief among
them. China is certainly a way better place for learning Chinese
(pinyin, simplified characters, and largely standardized
pronounciation), if you can get out of the trap of everyone you know
trying to get free English lessons out of you. It sounds like you're
not having problems with that though. One very cool thing about Taiwan
is that the main form of transportation is motorcycles, but on the
other hand I hear they are now letting white people ride those in China

This is for those less fortunate of us that don't live within striking
range of a wholesale Chinese tea market: if you hear about good TGY
online, please, please let me know. I am still looking.

Mydnight wrote:
> Alex wrote:
> > I have gotten good vacuum sealed bags in China, but, as we both know,
> > like everything else, it's better in Taiwan. As a foreigner anyway you
> > are far, far less likely to get ripped off there than in China. The
> > bag seemed unusually thick and heavy compared to a Chinese bag.
> >
> > Are you getting any good Anxi TGY these days, by the way? Lightly
> > roasted. I'm still on a mission for that stuff.

> Many people tell me that living in Taiwan is leaps and bounds better
> than living in China, that's for sure. As for Good TGY this year, you
> are going to have to wait until the Autumn pick and hope for the best.
> Both spring picks this year yielded very little good tea. The highest
> grade is going around 800RMB which is 300-400 shy from the best grade
> last year...what basically means that this year's highest grade dropped
> a whole class.
> Anyway, autumn is right around the corner.