Thread: Makaibari...
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Mydnight Mydnight is offline
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Default Ti Lo Han/WuYi's [was:Makaibari...]

Alex wrote:
> It varies. China is a lot more exciting but Taiwan has a lot of
> advantages, and not getting ripped off at every turn is chief among
> them. China is certainly a way better place for learning Chinese
> (pinyin, simplified characters, and largely standardized
> pronounciation), if you can get out of the trap of everyone you know
> trying to get free English lessons out of you. It sounds like you're
> not having problems with that though. One very cool thing about Taiwan
> is that the main form of transportation is motorcycles, but on the
> other hand I hear they are now letting white people ride those in China
> too.

Sure, if they want English lessons, they can pay the standard rate of
350RMB an hour and I'll try to fit them into my schedule. But, then
again, I get free Chinese lessons from everyone I know...

Yeah, us honkies can buy and own cars here now too. Motorbikes are
such a hazard on the roads, that most cities limit the amount of
motorbikes that can be purchased or sold. Here in Dongguan, the numero
uno cause of death on the road is motorbike collision.

> This is for those less fortunate of us that don't live within striking
> range of a wholesale Chinese tea market: if you hear about good TGY
> online, please, please let me know. I am still looking.

Well, even for us within striking range, most people didn't buy TGY
this year. Everyone around here is on a pu'er binge and the lack of
quality TGY only reinforced it. Do yourself a favor and wait until